General Purpose Design of Experiment

Successful installation of gsa-module will give access to two executables in the path useful to create various designs for computer experiment. The command line utility gsa_create_sample can be invoked from the terminal to generate the design (or design matrix file) using the following command:

> gsa_create_sample -n <number of samples/points> \
                    -d <number of dimensions/variables> \
                    -m <method of generation {srs, lhs, sobol, lhs-opt}> \
                    -s <random seed number> \
                    -o <design matrix output filename> \
                    -sep <delimiter for the design matrix file> \
                    -dirnumfile <direction number file, Sobol' only> \
                    -excl_nom <exclude nominal file, Sobol' only> \
                    -rand <randomize the Sobol' sequence, Sobol' only> \
                    -nopt <number of optimization iterations, Sobol' only>

Brief explanation of these parameters can be shown by invoking:

> gsa_create_sample --help

The table below lists the complete options/flag in detail with their respective default values.

No. Short Name Long Name Type Required Description Default
1 -h –help flag No Show help message False
2 -n –num_samples integer Yes The number of samples/design points None
3 -d –num_dimensions integer Yes The number of dimensions None
4 -m –method string No The method to generate sample {srs, lhs, sobol, lhs-opt} srs
5 -s –seed_number integer No The random seed number None
6 -o –output_file string No The output filename see below
7 -sep –delimiter string No The delimiter for the file {csv, tsv, txt} csv
8 -dirnumfile –direction_numbers string No The path to Sobol’ sequence generator None
9 -excl_nom –exclude_nominal flag No Exclude the nominal point {0.5} in the design False
10 -rand –randomize_sobol flag No Random shift the Sobol’ sequence False
11 -nopt –num_iterations integer No The maximum bumber of optimization iterations 100
12 -V –version flag No Show the program’s version number and exit False

Note that options number 8-9 are valid only for Sobol’ design, while option number 11 is valid only for Optimized LHS. Without specifying the output filename explicitly, the design matrix file will be produced with the following naming convention:

> <method>_<num_samples>_<num_dimensions>.csv


For example, upon executing the following command in the terminal:

> gsa_create_sample -n 20 -d 5 -m sobol

a csv file with filename sobol_20_5.csv is produced in the current working directory. The first 5 lines (out of 20) the file are as follow:


In each line, the listed values correspond to the input parameters at which the model is to be evaluated. The values are normalized between 0 to 1.