Sobol’ Sensitivity Indices

Sobol’ sensitivity indices in gsa_module are estimated by Monte Carlo procedure. The output of the model has to be generated using a particular design called the Sobol’-Saltelli design. To estimate the main- and total-effect indices, the number of model evaluations, are related to the number of Monte Carlo samples (N) and the number of input dimensions (\(k\)):

\(n_{runs} = N \times (k + 2)\)

A set of \(k + 2\) design matrix files can be simultaneously generated using the following command:

> gsa_sobol_generate -n <number of samples> \
                     -d <number of dimensions> \
                     -ss <sampling scheme {srs, lhs, sobol}> \
                     -o <output filename header> \
                     -sep <the delimiter for the files> \
                     -int <include design matrices to estimate 2nd order> \
                     -s <seed number, for SRS and LHS only> \
                     -dirnum <direction number file, Sobol' only>

Brief explanation of these parameters can be shown by invoking:

> gsa_sobol_generate --help

The table below lists the complete options/flag in detail with their respective default values.

No. Short Name Long Name Type Required Description Default
1 -h –help flag No Show help message False
2 -n –num_samples integer Yes The number of samples/design points None
3 -d –num_dimensions integer Yes The number of dimensions None
4 -ss –sampling_scheme string No The method to generate sample {srs, lhs, sobol} srs
5 -o –output_header string No The output filename header see below
6 -sep –delimiter string No The delimiter for the file {csv, tsv, txt} csv
7 -int –interaction flag No Flag to also generate matrices to estimate 2nd-order indices False
8 -s –seed_number integer No The random seed number (only for LHS and Sobol) None
9 -dirnum –direction_numbers string No The path to Sobol’ sequence generator None
10 -V –version flag No Show the program’s version number and exit False

Note that options number 8 is valid only for SRS- and LHS-based samples, while option number 9 is valid only for Sobol-based samples. Without specifying the output filename header explicitly, the design matrices file will be produced with the following naming convention:

> <method>_<num_samples>_<num_dimensions>_<matrix_ID>.cs


As an example, by invoking the following command in the terminal:

> gsa_sobol_generate -n 20 -d 3

will produce 5 design matrix files with the following names:

+--- srs_20_3_a.csv
+--- srs_20_3_ab1.csv
+--- srs_20_3_ab2.csv
+--- srs_20_3_ab3.csv
+--- srs_20_3_b.csv

Each file has the same structure as the design matrix file produced in General Purpose Design of Experiment.

Following the convention of Sobol’-Saltelli design, 2 design of experiments of the same size \(N \times k\) are first generated. These are the ones with matrix_ID a and b. Afterward each column of the matrix \(A\) is replaced by a column from matrix \(B\). For example, matrix_ID ab1 corresponds to the matrix \(A\) whose the first column has been replaced by the first column of matrix \(B\).

The model then has to be evaluated using the parameters values listed in each of these design matrix files.